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        In 2012-2015, Uzbekistan carried out the work on the project QUEECA - «The quality of engineering education in Central Asia" Tempus. The work was conducted under the leadership of the Republic of Uzbekistan Project Coordinator Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences TM Magrupova. As a result, achieved a new level of capability in providing quality and international public and professional accreditation of engineering education programs. The main results of the project were the preparation of international experts accredited to the European Network of Accreditation for Engineering Education (ENAEE), the creation of the Association for Engineering Education in Tashkent, and an international accreditation of engineering educational program "Electronics and Instrumentation" at the Tashkent State Technical University in ENAEE. The guiding tutors - experts successfully complete the training received by members of the Association

The process of working groups of the seminar - training on preparation of experts May 27, 2014 in TSTU

Discussion of the results of examination in the University of Porto, Portugal

        With the assistance of the Association for Engineering Education of the city of Tashkent in Tashkent State Technical University (TSTU) for educational Bachelor program in "Electronics and Instrumentation (instrument)" first obtained certificates and mark of quality EUR-ACE in the country, confirmed by the European Network of Accreditation of the European Union for Engineering Education and the Association for engineering education of Russia for five years

Presentation of the accreditation certificates of educational programs

        Such international recognition opens up a number of prospects for future professionals provides a quality educational process and the development of national science and technology inextricably linked with the production.

    In May of 2015 at the University held an international socio-professional accreditation and audit expert committee ENAEE. Experts have carried out the examination of 45 subjects in accordance with the curriculum. It was attended by 12 accredited experts - teachers ENAEE TSTU have received certificates, 18 departments and more than 60 teachers. The result of comprehensive analysis and consideration of all the necessary aspects was the accreditation of educational programs in "Electronics and Instrumentation (instrument)".

        Thus, despite the fact. that this kind of event was held for the first time in Uzbekistan,this direction of education received European recognition and is the first in the country, which has reached the highest international engineering evaluation of the educational program. It should be noted that a similar socio-professional accreditation helps to attract the attention of foreign experts to improve the skills of technical staff of the University and the quality of the educational process, simplifies the organization of scientific and academic exchanges. In particular, the conditions for the most effective realization of the creative potential of specialists and technical direction for development sectors of the economy.

        The experience gained during the passage of the International University of professional accreditation on the basis of the project QUEECA Tempus program, is advisable to spread to other technical universities of the country. And in the future the establishment of quality assurance systems of higher engineering education, taking into account the traditions of the training of engineers in Uzbekistan will contribute to the development and strengthening of the prestige of the educational programs in the country and abroad.