Uzbek English Русский





05.08.2016 - Association for Engineering Education adopted member of the National Association of non-governmental and non-profit organizations05.08.2016

05.08.2016 -The Association participated in the contest of the state grant public fund of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan and was the winner of the grant project on "Improving the quality of engineering education and engineering"


"Improving the quality of engineering education and engineering"

Enhancing the role of professional training in the technical area, the development of engineering knowledge among young people, the formation of aspiration obtain high qualifications on the chosen specialty.


Purpose and tasks

            - Enhancing the role of professional training in the technical area, the development of engineering knowledge among young people, the formation of aspiration obtain qualifications on the chosen specialty.
            - Place of the new pedagogical and information technology in the preparation of highly skilled engineering staff, as well as modern medical technology in the healthcare system and training of engineering personnel for the service public services. Providing the continuation of the project;
             - The prospect of development of engineering knowledge among young people, as well as the organization of events by increasing engineering knowledge in professional colleges;
            - formation of a working group comprised of leading specialists in the technical area in order to increase the quality of engineering knowledge, training highly qualified personnel in engineering specialists
            - Organisation of the contest on the theme "We are the generation of Abu Raihan Beruni" in order to expand the scope of research, training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff and selection of gifted students.

Implementation mechanism

  • To organize cooperation with state authorities.
  • Attraction to the project experts and leading professionals.
  • Implementation of master classes. Seminars, and other events.
  • The organization of meetings with leading scientists, experts in the field of engineering,
  • The signing of a memorandum of cooperation.
  • The dissemination of information through various information tools, including the Internet, website and others.
  • Partners

            Higher educational institutions of technical profile;
            Professional Colleges technical profile;
            Tashkent city administration and districts;
            "Kamolot" Youth Social movements;
            Center of youth initiatives and other organizations.


            Conducting master classes, seminars, meetings and other events:

  • prospect development of engineering knowledge among young people;
  • Ways increase оф engineering knowledge in the Republic;
  • Ways to ensure the quality of engineering knowledge;
  • Terms of training highly qualified specialists in engineering;
  • Role of new educational and information technologies in the preparation of highly qualified personnel;
  • Place of modern medical technology in the health system and the role of the engineering staff at the service of the population service
  • Arrange a meeting with leading scientists and experts in the field of engineering and other

    In the 2012-2015, Uzbekistan carried out the work on the project QUEECA - «The quality of engineering education in Central Asia" Tempus. The work was conducted under the leadership of the Republic of Uzbekistan Project Coordinator - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Talat Magrupov. As a result, achieved a new level of capability in providing quality and international public and professional accreditation of engineering education programs. The main results of the project were the preparation of international experts accredited to the European Network of Accreditation for Engineering Education (ENAEE), the creation of the Association for Engineering Education in Tashkent, and an international accreditation of engineering educational program "Electronics and Instrumentation" at the Tashkent State Technical University in ENAEE.


    With the assistance of the Association for Engineering Education of Tashkent City in TSTU the educational program of bachelor in "Electronics and Instrumentation (instrument)" for the first time in the country received certificates and mark of quality EUR-ACE, confirmed by the European Network of Accreditation for Engineering Education and the Association for Engineering Education of Russia for five years. Such international recognition opens up a number of prospects for future professionals provides a quality educational process and the development of national science and technology and is inextricably linked with the production.


    QUEECA - quality of engineering education in Central Asia

    Project Objective :

    The aim of the project "Quality of Engineering Education in Central Asia » (QUEECA) is the creation and implementation of a system to ensure the quality of engineering education (IE ) in Central Asia , a fully -developed until the accreditation of programs of engineering education as a pre-professional (ie accreditation of engineering education the program ).

    Project Objective :

  • Establishment of the National Society for Engineering Education in countries where no such structure exists ( in Kazakhstan will be made to strengthen the existing Caso ), and the Central Asian Federation of Engineering Education , in partnership with the SEFI and IFEES.
  • Adaptation of EAFS and formulating similar standards CA (CAEAS) in Russian and English languages.

  • Creation of accreditation centers in each of the Central Asian countries ( with coordination at the regional level ) , training staff of accrediting
  • Conduct a series of trial accreditations with international teams for testing and verification
  • CAEAS local accrediting employees
  • The formulation of the final version of SAEAS taking into account the test accreditations
  • Conduct the first pilot accreditation of training programs and the awarding of the first engineers signs EUR-ACE in CA
  • Formulation of a self-supporting financial plan for accreditation after the close of the project
  • Partners of the project

    EU partners: University of Florence - Faculty of Engineering (Italy),
    Instituto Superiorde Engenhariade Lisboa (Portugal),
    Middlesex University (UK ),
    Ruhr University Bochum (Germany),
    ASIIN Consult GmbH (Germany)
    Belgium: The European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education; European Society for the training of engineers
    Italy: University of Sapienza; Universita degliStudydiGenova, Ag. Certif. Qualita'eaccreditam. Eur-ace corsi di studiing


    Aktob State University named K.Zhubanova,
    East Kazakhstan State Technical University,
    Kazakh National University . Al-Farabi Kazakh
    Society for Engineering Education,
    Karaganda State Technical University,
    Ministry of Education and Science,
    South Kazakhstan State University.


    Central Asian network of the Association for Quality Assurance in Education,
    Kyrgyz State Technical University . I.Razzakova,
    Kyrgyz State University of Construction,
    Transport and Architecture. N. Isanov,
    Ministry of Education and Science,
    the State Inspectorate for licensing and certification of educational institutions


    Tajik Technical University. Academician M.Osimi,
    Ministry of Education,
    Institute of Metallurgical


    Tashkent State Technical University,
    Tashkent University of Information Technology,
    Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education


    In the period 2012 -2015 year conducted forums, conferences, seminars and workshops:


    The new level of capability in providing quality and international public and professional accreditation of engineering education programs at the level of European standards achieved consistent implementation of the project in the frame QUEECA - «The quality of engineering education in Central Asia" of the Tempus program, work on which was carried out in 2012-2015 under the leadership of the coordinator project for the Republic of Uzbekistan Professor Talat Magrupov.
    As a result, achieved a new level of capability in providing quality and international public and professional accreditation of engineering education programs.

            The main results of the project were the training of experts on accreditation of engineering education programs, the creation of the Association for Engineering Education of Tashkent city and an international social - professional accreditation.
            With the assistance of the Association for Engineering Education of Tashkent City in TSTU the educational program of bachelor in "Electronics and Instrumentation (instrument)" for the first time in the country received certificates and mark of quality EUR-ACE, confirmed by the European Network of Accreditation for Engineering Education and the Association for Engineering Education of Russia for five years. Such international recognition opens up a number of prospects for future professionals provides a quality educational process and the development of national science and technology and is inextricably linked with the production.
            In May of 2015 at the University held an international socio-professional accreditation and audit expert committee ENAEE. Experts have carried out the examination of 45 subjects in accordance with the curriculum. It was attended by 12 accredited experts - teachers TSTU have received certificates ENAEE, 18 departments and more than 60 teachers. The result of comprehensive analysis and consideration of all the necessary aspects was the accreditation of educational programs in "Electronics and Instrumentation (instrument)".
            Thus, TSTU is the first higher education institution in the country which has reached a high international assessment of the engineering curriculum. It should be noted that a similar socio-professional accreditation helps to attract the attention of foreign experts to improve the skills of technical staff of the University and the quality of the educational process, simplifies the organization of scientific and academic exchanges. In particular, the conditions for the most effective realization of the creative potential of specialists in the technical direction of development of scientific and technical progress.